Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First things first

My Wife and I are successfull inn owners in the Eastern United States. To be more precise in southern West Virginia. I say we are successful because we enjoy our business and so far it hasn't cost us any money (except for remodeling, purchasing, and running) to own a bed and breakfast.

We are very proud of our home and our business and it is very enjoyable most of the time. Well, its enjoyable by me but I do very little work here. I work outside of the home through the week but in all fairness to moi I do cook breakfast and sometimes i even clean up some of my mess.

MY spelling is poor, grammar lacking and I believe punctuation is a foreign language. I will do my best and I hope that you read and enjoy the posts here.
I look at life in kind of a skewed manner and everyone says that my sense of humor is a taste to be acquired. I will report on a regular basis what goes on here at the Linkous House. When speaking of guests be assured that real names will not be used to protect the innocent (and those not too innocent.)

In the future i will report on the happenings here; give you recipes that I enjoy cooking and hopefully brighten the day for those of you in my hospital industry.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog

Michael J. Baisden (not my real name)
The Linkous House Bed and Breakfast(Not its real name)
Williamson, WV. (you guessed it)

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